Simple recipes, real food!

Hey everyone!

Being a chef, a husband and a Dad, I have always been conscientious about the ingredients I use. Recently, I have been more and more dismayed by the amount of ingredients in the food I am serving my self and my family. Simple products that are easy to make such as mayo, granola and soups have massive lists of ingredients these days.

Here’s a talk from Chris van Tulleken, author of ultra processed people, at the Royal institution that expands greatly on the subject.

With this in mind this weeks recipe is a simple granola. Super easy, highly flexible, takes minutes and stores well.

With minimal effort we can cook well, eat better and stop encouraging food companies to put an endless stream of industrial ingredients in our food.

You can keep up with recipes, ecookbooks and all things The Cook’s Larder on our Instagram.

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Happy cooking



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